Correction Policy

At Azaad Times, we are dedicated to giving our readers accurate, dependable, and trustworthy information. We are aware of how crucial accountability and openness are to keeping our audience’s trust. As a result, we have created the following correction policy to deal with any mistakes or inaccuracies found in our content:

Finding Mistakes

We want you to alert us to any mistakes or inconsistencies you find in our material. Errors can be reported by:

  • contacting via email
  • posting a comment on the pertinent page or article
  • Reaching out to us via our social media platforms


  • Substantive corrections to articles, photo captions, headlines, graphics, videos, or other materials are promptly published with an explanation for the change.

Review and Verification

Upon receiving a correction request, our editorial team will:

  1. Review the Report: Examine the reported error or inaccuracy in detail.
  2. Verify the Information: Cross-check the information with reliable sources and, if necessary, consult with subject matter experts.
  3. Assess the Impact: Determine the significance and impact of the error on the overall content.

Making Corrections

If an error is confirmed, we will take the following steps to correct it:

  1. Minor Corrections: For small errors (e.g., typographical errors, minor factual inaccuracies), we will correct the mistake promptly without an official notice. The content will be updated with the accurate information.
  2. Major Corrections: For significant errors that impact the meaning or interpretation of the content, we will:
    • Correct the mistake promptly.
    • Add a correction notice at the top or bottom of the article, detailing the nature of the correction and the date it was made.
    • In cases where the error significantly affects the readers’ understanding, we may issue a correction note on our social media channels and/or in our newsletter to inform our audience of the correction.

Transparency and Accountability

Our commitment to transparency and accountability means that we will:

  • Maintain a log of corrections, accessible to our readers, detailing the nature and date of each correction made.
  • Review and update our correction policy regularly to ensure it meets the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

We value feedback from our readers and are dedicated to continuous improvement. If you have any suggestions on how we can enhance our correction policy or overall content accuracy, please contact us at

Thank you for helping us maintain the quality and integrity of Azaad Times.

Azaad Times Team